Wrong place if you came looking for food.
Accidentally, OATS is a software testing solution from Oracle.
What is the abbreviatoin for OATS ?
Oracle Application Testing Suite
What does OATS comprise of ?
It's a testing suite consisting of testing tools & solutions around :
Oracle Functional Testing
Oracle Load Tesing
Oracle Test Manager
Is OATS a full fledged automation tool?
I believe for sure. If you are an Oracle Shop, buy it, Try it and see!
Does OATS have all the features that any other Testing Tool has ?
Yes! Let me try to summarize the stuff the features of an Automation tool that OATS possesses
- Record and Playback
- Calling Scripts
- Script Variables & In-built functions
- Add-ons for Oracle Products such as EBS, Peoplesoft, Fusion Applications, JD Edwards etc.,
- Object Library
- Data Driven Testing
- Result Reporting mechanism
- Integration with Oracle Test Manager
- Database testing
- Web-service testing
- Integration with 3rd party JAR's
Do I need to know any programming language ?
This is a tricky question. The answer is a Yes and a No! It depends on what you plan to do. You wanna really write code and frameworks, a definite yes!
O btw i forgot to mention, you need to know Java.
TIP: If you know Selenium, you are half way through, not to forget you still need to get another half way through!
What is Open Script ?
Open script is a platform that OATS provide to write it's test. It is built on Eclipse, and allows you to leverage all that you can do with Eclipse as an IDE.
Where can I download OATS from ?
http://www.oracle.com I am not kidding. Under downloads look for Download "Application Testing Suite".
What is the latest version of OATS ?
What does OFT,OLT and OTM Stand for ?
OFT stands for Oracle Functional Testing
OLT stands for Oracle Load Testing
OTM stands for Oracle Test Manager - Please don't be confused by Oracle Transportation Manager.
What applications does OATS support ?
Oracle provides support for each of the applications to name a few and provides the add-ons or support for in the form of modules that can be added as and when required :
Oracle E-Business R12+ applications ( Forms and SS pages )
JD Edwards
Fusion Applications
Web based Applications
What about further questions ?
Write to me on majith414@gmail.com.